Coach Reports

Coaching is all about instilling good strategies and personal wellbeing into your players and athletes.  An athlete with great understanding and control over their emotions will have a better performance; in the training ground, in the sporting arena and in life.

This, you know. However, a coach needs to know that the athlete is pulling their weight, keeping up their side of the bargain. HeadCoach helps you with Coach Reports.

Image showing that by building Emotional Intelligence you can improve wellbeing that in turn delivers a better performance

Accessing Coach Reports And Report Summary

Screenshot of the burger menu overlayScreenshot of the top of the Coach's Report  Summary page

The Coach's Reports Summary page is accessed via the burger menu on the home page. The Summary page has four large tiles with a snapshot of the team, along with four drill-down buttons underneath on a carousel. There is also a dropdown to set the report period.

Report Drilldowns

Each of the drilldown buttons opens up further details on the team and the individual players. Clicking on the summary tiles will take you to a further level of detail. Options to graph the data over whatever time frame you want gives you both context and relative performance data on the team and each of the players.

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Setting Up

Setting up the Emotional Intelligence Skills training program

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Learn about how we are backed by science

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Find links to recommended reading on Emotional Science

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