Unlock Your Team's Full Potential - Starting with You

Being a great coach is more than just strategy and motivation. With HeadCoach, equip yourself with the tools to be an exceptional leader, both on and off the field.

Image of coach and players

Why Coaches Need Emotional Intelligence

The Game Changer You Didn't Know You Needed

Image of coach and players celebrating

Influence is built on understanding and developing high quality relationships with your players. Emotional intelligence helps you to better assess team dynamics, improve communication, and inspire lasting change

Image of coach and players celebrating

Intelligence Reports

Data-Driven Insights, Proven Strategies

Image of team in ad-hoc huddle

Our platform provides real-time data and actionable insights, allowing you to make informed decisions quickly, without second-guessing.


Understanding yourself, building a better you

Image of coach giving dynamic advice to youth soccer player

It is a foundational skill for high performance. The more you know yourself, what you’re good at, not so good at, what you need to do to get better - the more likely you are to become the coach you strive to be.

Image of coach giving dynamic advice to youth soccer player


Fulfilling one's potential and being the best you

Image from above of a ring of youth players around a coach in the centre

How you manage your energy, not your time - is key to sustainable success. Managing your energy effectively will enable you to be at your best more often, maintain passion for what you do, and keep you striving to achieve your goals and ambitions. 

Relationship Skills

Effective connections; fostering positive interactions

Image of parent coaching child with elastic band around ankles

Relationships with your players and staff matter and they matter a lot. High quality relationships provide the foundations for success. If your players and staff feel like you care for them as people, and feel safe and secure, they will exert extra effort, and commit to achieving the collective goals of the group. 

Image of parent coaching child with elastic band around ankles


Understand how connect and resonate with others

Image of a coach with back towards camera with tee shirt which reads "Coach" on the back

Empathy is a critical leadership competency. It enables leaders to connect with their teams on a human level, create a positive culture, and drive better performance and outcomes. Empathetic leaders are more likely to inspire loyalty, commitment, and collaboration among their team members.

Emotional Control

Identify, label and manage your emotions

Image of a youth soccer player and a coach

Emotions drive behaviour and behaviour influences results. Developing self-control helps you manage your emotions so that your actions are positively rather than negatively impacted. Ensuring your behaviour is helpful when under pressure will help you perform at your peak. 

Image of a youth soccer player and a coach


Positive outlook; anticipating favourable outcomes

Image of youth soccer players catching footballs

Research over the years has shown that optimism is the number 1 predictor of success in sport and beyond. But why is that? It’s because it’s a key element of mental toughness - it will help you bounce back from setbacks, view situations in a positive way, maintain a positive mood when things get tough, and sense opportunities when others may not see beyond the horizon.


Trust in one's own abilities to succeed

image if team huddle with coach

If your confidence is low it’s unlikely you’ll be at your best consistently. Many elite performers say that confidence is the number 1 skill that will help them be at their best when it matters most. It’s also the skill that will help you respect and like yourself as a person. Confidence matters and it matters a lot.

image if team huddle with coach

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Three screens of the HeadCoach app showing home, habit tracker and Emotion Intelligence Strategy