How-To: Emotional Intelligence Skills Training Program

The core of HeadCoach is the Emotional Intelligence Skills training  program. This is the program that provides different strategies to athletes and coaches to practice on the training ground and in competition. The strategies for each skill are matched to the role (player or coach) and to the sport.

Every subscribed user of HeadCoach has an Emotional Intelligence Skills training program. An individual athlete without a team and a coach can create and follow their own program. Setting up the program for these users is from the "My EQ Skills" button on the home screen.

A player who is a member of a team will get a program pushed down to their app from their coach.  The coach accesses the team's training program using the "Manage Team" button on the home screen and then the "Team EQ Skills" on the subsequent page.

This page provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up a training program.  

Create a new program

Home page for the Emotional Intelligence Skills training programPage showing pop up confirming existing Emotional Intelligence Skills training program will be deleted

Both the individual program and the team program are set up in the same way. From the EQ Skills page select "New Program". A warning is popped up to inform that the existing program will be deleted. Data associated with the existing program is retained for analysis using the coach reports. Go ahead and select "OK".

Select the skills

Emotional Intelligence Skills training program select skills screenEmotional Intelligence Skills training program skills selected

Next select the skills to be trained in this program. The skills are specific to sports and have been selected by Joe Davis CPsychol, our Chief Psychology Officer, to provide the greatest benefit to athletes and coaches. We recommend selecting no more than 4 skills per program so as not to overload the athletes. Skills training expects a lot from the athletes, they need to understand the skill, how the strategy is helping develop that skill and to put real effort into reflection at the end of sessions.

Set a duration for each skill

Emotional Intelligence Skills training program select the duration of skill in weeks screenEmotional Intelligence Skills training program duration of skill set

Each skill will be trained for a given duration. The duration is in weeks, with one week being the smallest period of time. We recommend around 8 sessions per skill, so the duration will depend on the number of training sessions a week.

Set a start date

Emotional Intelligence Skills training program start date setEmotional Intelligence Skills training program selecting start date in pop upEmotional Intelligence Skills training program set start date screen

The start date for the cycle is now entered, with the earliest being the next day.

Set an end date

Emotional Intelligence Skills training program set end date screenEmotional Intelligence Skills training program end date set

The end date is then entered. The number of skills multiplied by the duration of each skill provides the time required for a single program. If you want the program to repeat then you need to multiply the single program time by the number of repetitions.

Set the training days

Emotional Intelligence Skills training program select training days screenEmotional Intelligence Skills training program training days selected

Training days are the final piece of the program. It is recommended that you at least match the days up to every physical training day as the strategies need to be practiced ‘on the field'. The athlete needs to be engaged with Emotional Intelligence Skills while physically engaged in their sport.

Select the order

Emotional Intelligence Skills training program re-ordered skills screenEmotional Intelligence Skills training program can reorder skills screenEmotional Intelligence Skills training program complete screen

Finally you select the order that the skills will be trained. To change the order simply select and drag the skill to the desired place. Once happy with the order click on "Next" and the program is loaded. If you are a coach setting the program for the team then it will be automatically distributed to all team members.