Wellbeing Check-In

Wellbeing is an important part of leveraging Emotional Intelligence to improve performance. Only when you are feeling good in yourself, that you are practicing good habits for your body and mind, and that you are engaged and managing your emotional state can you expect to perform at your best -  

Performance = Potential - Interference

Potential can be fulfilled when interference is excluded

Image showing that by building Emotional Intelligence you can improve wellbeing that in turn delivers a better performance

Using The Wellbeing Check-In

The Wellbeing Check-In is accessed from the home screen or the journal icon in the footer menu. The Check-In should be performed each morning, if you forget you will get a notification around midday.

How Do You Feel?

The second quesiton is on stress. Again, this is a prompt for you to consider how stressed you are and if there are steps you can take to manage the stress levels. It is a good point here to consider the relaxation techniques promoted through habit tracking. Is this a good time to reflect and practice controlled breathing?

The first two questions are on your mood. Mood is complex, sometimes it is hard to pin how you feel down to a simple classification. The question being asked is to prompt you to think about how you feel. It puts a spot light on your emotions, giving you an opportunity to recognise ands understand why you are feeling as you do.

How Did You Sleep?

The next set of questions are on your sleep patterns. The quality of your sleep, how you feel after you have slept and the time you have slept are all important data points in establishing how open and amiable you are to improving your emotional intelligence. Fatigue is a subjective feeling and its ill effects are frequently seen in many ways, such as task performance decrement (Chalder 1993), cognitive impairment, and emotional disturbance (Lewis 1992). In school children, fatigue can lead to a decline in school performance, negative health outcomes, and refusal to attend school (Fukuda 2010).

Again, these questions are designed to make you consider your own wellbeing. In the words of the great Epictetus - "First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do."

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