Why Emotional Intelligence matters for Athletes

90% of elite performers pin their success to Emotional Intelligence

Image showing that by building Emotional Intelligence you can improve wellbeing that in turn delivers a better performance

Emotional Intelligence skills are the tools athletes depend on to perform under pressure.

Research studies have highlighted Emotional Intelligence is key to building wellbeing which in turn builds the optimal mindset for sports performance.

Emotional Intelligence allows us to recognize, understand and label our emotional mindset, helping us to regulate our emotional state in the 'heat of the game'.

Image showing that by building Emotional Intelligence you can improve wellbeing that in turn delivers a better performance

Performance = potential - interferences

Image of a soccer player about to pass a shot by a goalkeeper

Emotions can interfere with our ability to perform. In high pressure environments there are a lot of interferences, such as, expectations of our coaches, expectations from our parents as well as our expectations of ourselves.


Image of two soccer players with one about to shoot

Success in sport doesn't happen by chance. Athletes use tools like coping mechanisms to create the best mindset to help them manage the pressures in the 'heat of the game'.

Being aware of our emotions can help us to understand what emotions are serving us or are interfering with our ability to perform.

Image of two soccer players with one about to shoot


Image of a soccer player taking a shot

Emotions drive behaviour and behaviour influences results. Developing self-control helps you manage your emotions so that your actions are positively rather than negatively impacted. Ensuring your behaviour is helpful when under pressure will help you perform at your peak. 


Image of soccer players running

Research over the years has shown that optimism is the number 1 predictor of success in sport and beyond. But why is that? It’s because it’s a key element of mental toughness - it will help you bounce back from setbacks, view situations in a positive way, maintain a positive mood when things get tough, and sense opportunities when others may not see beyond the horizon. 

Image of soccer players running


Image of a soccer player taking a shot

If your confidence is low it’s unlikely you’ll be at your best consistently. Many elite performers say that confidence is the number 1 skill that will help them be at their best when it matters most. It’s also the skill that will help you respect and like yourself as a person. Confidence matters and it matters a lot.


Image of female soccer players

How often have you lost concentration during competition and it has affected your performance? Even the greatest athletes lose focus when under pressure - but most of them have strategies to manage their attention effectively. Turning on your focus engine at the right moments will enable you to perform to your potential more often. 

Image of female soccer players

Competitive Drive

Image of youth soccer players

To be a high performer in your sport you can’t just show up and hope that it will happen for you - you need to strive to be your best day in day out. This means having a burning desire to win and get the most out of your ability each and every day. These are key ingredients to success in any walk of life. 


Image of a soccer team

A successful team is not just a group of highly talented individuals working together. A successful team doesn’t necessarily need every player to be great but they do need a group of individuals who cooperate, communicate effectively, work hard for each other, and are a cohesive unit. 

Image of a soccer team

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Three screens of the HeadCoach app showing home, habit tracker and Emotion Intelligence Strategy